My wife had a torrid love affair with Mike and she claimed that every time he fucked her, she felt like he was knocking her up. She said that she surren*dered her body so openly, and reached an orgasm so vio*lently, that she was certain that his sperm had entered her uterus. She did have one long session of missed periods that lasted three months and was certain that Mike had knocked her up. It turned out to be a false pregnancy and her feminine cycle returned to normal after that.
Nothing beats REAL natural sex where a man deposits semen inside a woman. It is the gold standard. I’d rather cum inside a fat/ugly girl than fuck a supermodel wearing a condom. Condom sex doesn’t even count as real sex in my opinion. It’s bullshit, on par with getting a lapdance. It’s mildly fun, but it isn’t sex.
When my wife's friend Jeff called her on her private phone, she knew that his wife was out of town visiting family. This was a perfect opportunity to go to his home for a long session of passionate intercourse and going home with a pussy full of his thick warm cum. He always liked to talk about sex while fucking her and called his love session, "making a baby". My wife just went along with his impregnation fantasy because he had a very intense desire to knock her up and that heightened the pleasure of having sex with her. He also knew that she wouldn't tell anyone who the sperm donor was if she got pregnant. He was concerned that his wife would discover that he was trying to make my wife the mother of his “love chi*ld”.
Condom sex doesn’t even count as real sex in my opinion. It’s bullshit, on par with getting a lapdance. It’s mildly fun, but it isn’t sex.